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Learning Course: CRM Overview 

Video Topic: CRM Overview


  1. Introduction to CRM
    • CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is used to track a client's journey through various stages of the sales funnel.

  2. Key Stages Covered in the Video
    • Lead Stage
    • Opportunity Stage
    • Design Order Stage
    • Sales Order Stage

  1. Introduction to Leads

  • This video teaches you about leads, adding leads to the platform, sending messages, managing notes and tasks, and accessing the platform calendar.

  1. Key Points Covered in the Video
  • Definition of a lead
  • Adding a lead to the system
  • Sending messages through the CDPA platform
  • Managing notes and tasks
  • Accessing the platform calendar

  1. Introduction to the Opportunity Stage
  • This video covers when a lead converts to an opportunity, how to convert a lead, the stages of the opportunity phase, and sending quotes.
  • Key Points Covered in the Video
    • Conversion of a lead to an opportunity
    • Steps in the opportunity stage: quotation, design, invoicing, production preparation
    • Sending quotes to clients
    Design Orders
    Design Orders
    1. Introduction to Design Orders
    • This video covers how to create a design order, share design information, and manage the design stages in Odoo CRM.
  • Key Points Covered in the Video
    • Converting a quotation to a design order
    • Creating a design order
    • Sharing design information via Google Drive
    • Managing design stages from creation to print readiness